About Me

Hi there!

My name is Samuel and I’m a certified Circling/Transformational Connection Facilitator according to Transformational Connection Europe

I also did the Training as Holistic Bodyworker, focusing on working with Developmental Trauma according to IFS and NARM. Holistic Bodywork unifies various approaches of Therapy into one comprehensive Understanding.

I facilitate Workshops and Courses and offer 1-on-1 Coaching Sessions for the Integration and Transformation of Developmental Trauma and its Consequences on our Lives. These Sessions are either online or in Person in Switzerland.

I write about Personal Growth, Authenticity, Integral Leadership, Therapy, Trauma and the Healing Journey.


My own Journey into the Field of Personal Growth and Authenticity started when I was a teenager. At the time I just knew that I didn’t want to go down the path that was laid out for me by society. But I didn’t know what else I wanted either. So I spent a long time dodging around the expectations from outside while I immersed myself in everything promising meaning I could get my hands on. I read on Psychology, Sociology, Alternative Theories on Humankind, Spirituality, Meditation, all Religions, Sciences and Research, Psychedelic States and Experiences…

Soon I had taken in so much Information that I realized what it is that I really love doing: Synthesis! I love to gather as much information I can and then build everything I have read into a big concept, where it all fits. When there is contradiction between different theories, I just sit with it until it finally falls into place. And the second thing I love to do, is sharing what I’ve learned with as many people, who are willing to listen.

Lately, I’ve taken this process from a purely conceptual one into a more embodied form, when I was doing multiple trainings in the Practice of Circling. Gaining a whole new understanding and perspective through bottom-up/embodied learning, I decided to bring it all together.

Now I facilitate Courses and Workshops in Circling (Leadership and Authenticity), while at the same time bringing in and sharing all the knowledge I gathered this far.


While working in a Psychiatry and doing a Coaching-Training at the same time I realized that it is not the Psychological Institutions that are failing to make a difference in the lives of suffering individuals. Rather, it’s these suffering individuals mirroring the destructive tendencies and contradictions in our entire system!

Since then, I dedicated myself to finding ways – modalities, theories, practices, principles – of transforming these systemic flaws from the inside out through facilitating change and healing on an individual and group level.

If I can find and co-create a better context to live in and share this with as many people as possible, we can create a parallel society. One that is able to integrate all the contradictions of life without having to swing to an extreme. One that is able to allow a context in which everybody can grow into their full potential and life freely, expressing themselves in a way that supports everyone else as well.


The purpose of this Site is to give you access to a big range of information on varied topics – psychology, sociology, spirituality, sexuality, relationships, psychedelics – all connected and interwoven into the theme of releasing limiting patterns and growing into your full potential!
You can also find my own Workshops and Courses on this Site and sign up for 1-on-1 Coaching/Therapy Sessions.

All my work is dedicated to support you in taking back the power to create and live a fullfilling life of authentic self-expression!

If you ever need a hand or have any questions, feel free to connect with me and I will be more than happy to help you out.

All the best,

Samuel Schüpbach
